Exam Day Reminders

Be mindful of the following on exam day:

Passing Standard Considerations

  • DRESS COMFORTABLY: Hats, scarves, gloves and outerwear are to be left outside of the testing room. Provisions are made for religious/cultural dress.
  • ARRIVE EARLY: Arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes before testing time. After more than 30 minutes late, candidates may be required to forfeit the appointment and will be required to reregister and pay another exam fee.
  • PROVIDE YOUR BIOMETRICS: Signature, photograph and palm vein scan are all required to be captured to be admitted to test.
  • RECEIVE MATERIALS: An on-screen calculator and erasable note board/marker for making notes will be provided.
  • SET YOUR PACE: Candidates have five hours to complete the NCLEX, including breaks. Take time to analyze each question carefully—once a response is submitted candidates cannot return to that question.
  • FINISHING UP: The test will end with a short survey. Afterwards, candidates should raise their hand and wait for the test administrator to dismiss them.

Acceptable ID

dentification presented to take the NCLEX must meet certain requirements. If candidates do not meet the acceptable ID requirements, they will not be admitted to the exam and will be required to reregister and pay another exam fee.

ID Requirements

Acceptable ID

dentification presented to take the NCLEX must meet certain requirements. If candidates do not meet the acceptable ID requirements, they will not be admitted to the exam and will be required to reregister and pay another exam fee.

ID Requirements

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Practice Analyses

NCSBN Practice Analyses are the basis for the development of the NCLEX Test Plans and are conducted every three years. These job analyses assist NCSBN in evaluating the validity of the content distribution on the NCLEX.

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