2021 NCLEX Candidate Bulletin

This resource is the start to finish NCLEX guide, including important contact information, details on how to register, the NCLEX Candidate Rules and results processing. Be sure to review this bulletin before registering to take the NCLEX.

Download Bulletin

2021 Information Flyer

This flyer includes information on The Eight Steps of the NCLEX, acceptable identification and rules for scheduling/rescheduling an NCLEX appointment.

Download Flyer

Candidate Tutorial

The NCLEX Candidate Tutorial is provided to help candidates become familiar with the Pearson VUE exam software.

See Turtorial

Passing Standard

The passing standard for the NCLEX is the cut point at which the minimum ability is determined to require safe and effective practice nursing at the entry level. The passing standards for the NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN are reevaluated every three years.


Practice Analyses

NCSBN Practice Analyses are the basis for the development of the NCLEX Test Plans and are conducted every three years. These job analyses assist NCSBN in evaluating the validity of the content distribution on the NCLEX.

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